Invest in Transformation Church


“With a faithful group of about thirty fired-up Truett McConnell University students, and a mixture of people representing every decade from children through senior adults, we began the process of planting Transformation Church in Gainesville, GA.

Our desire is to be a church where anyone can be transformed by the Truth of Jesus. We desire to be a church that is serious about fulfilling The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and living The Greatest Commandments (Matthew 22: 34-40). God has given us a multi-generational and multi-cultural congregation that is INTENTIONAL about our mission to see lives TRANSFORMED in Northeast Georgia and the nations for the glory of God.

We prayed, worked hard, and trusted God as we prepared for our launch on February 26, 2023 in the East Hall Community Center and we were blessed to meet a large portion of the needs we had as we got ready for launch.

As we continue on the journey God has before us we are asking GOD to raise up 100 people, churches, families or businesses who will be “1 of 100.”  For $25 weekly or $100 monthly, less than the cost of a family fast food meal each week, these investors will help evangelize and impact our community for Christ as well as provide a small salary for our staff. This also helps us effectively budget in the early days of our church. Would you, your Sunday School class, church, or business prayerfully consider being one of one hundred to invest $25 a week ($100 a month) into the mission of Transformation Church?  This will reap ETERNAL DIVIDENDS for YOU as you help equip us to touch our East Hall Community and the nations for Christ!  May we count on you?  Click the GIVE tab and choose “1 of 100.”

Look below to see what God has already done and for a sample of items we need as we continue to grow and strive to share the gospel with excellence.

Some of our needs